
Yorkshire has always been my home apart from three years studying science at university. Family life & the challenges of working in the voluntary sector meant I had little time for artistic creativity for many years. But one employer funded evening classes for all employees for a year and I opted for a drawing & painting class, persuading my husband Colin to come along too. It was the start of an artistic adventure for both of us and we now share studio space & take part in local open studios events.

Printmaking has always fascinated me but it wasn't until I tried it for myself that I could really understand how it works. Peter Wray & Judy Collins introduced me to the basics of etching and collagraph printmaking techniques at their HandPrint Studio & I was totally hooked. As well as giving me a brilliant start in my printmaking career they also provided the encouragement I needed to start exhibiting my work. Local & online creative networks and artist friends provide valuable support and encouragement for my creative journey.

After initially using the studio space of other printmakers I found new creative freedom in the shape of a 50th birthday present of an etching press made locally by Hawthorn Printmaker Supplies. I was then able to set up my own studio space which gave me chance to explore & develop my own printmaking techniques.

As a natural development of my printmaking I have expanded my creative practice into mixed media and find lots of inspiration from the landscape, both local & further afield, along with the patterns, textures, shapes and colours observed in daily life.

Exploring the impact of human activity on the landscape & natural environment is a big part of my creative life and through my art I hope not only to celebrate the beauty of this world but also to explore the challenges facing humanity as we learn a new respect for all of creation and find sustainable & regenerative ways of living.

A percentage of my income from art sales is donated to the charities TreeSisters and SASH